Quick Team Building Activities

Is the workshop getting a bit boring? Are the participants beginning to look at the time a bit to often? Maybe its time to raise the energy in the room and do some quick team building activities at the same time. Beneath is a short list of teambuilding activities that can be done within an hour!

  • Blind fold maze – Blindfold all team members except one and have the other members guiding the person through an imaginary maze by saying only one word after each others.
  • Make a circle – Pair up and try to create a perfect circle together while blindfolded.
  • Split the team into two groups and compete in getting on a line in descending order of birthdays.
  • Build a shoe tower – Compete in groups by building as high tower as possible by using the participants shoes.
  • Create a long shadow – If being outside, divide the group in two teams and compete by making the tallest shadow possible.
  • The rope competition – Give the teams a difficult know to tie up and see how they cooperate.
  • Visit a casino together – Whats better than having a good time at a casino. This is also something you can do in your office online where you will find the same amount of MicroGaming slot machines.
  • Backwards challenge – Team up in pairs and have one person reading the news backwards. The other person should thereafter explain the news for a group.
  • Use noice cancelling headphones and play loud music while having a team member explaining something the other person should repeat.


The above are all examples of what can be done within 15 minutes to an hour in order to both build better teams as well as adding some fun and joy during a conference.

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